Disclaimer: Healy is a medical device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine as well as for the adjuvant therapy of mental illness such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders. All other applications of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration...!
Nikola TeslaEverything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
Albert EinsteinTime is the most important and most enigmatic property of nature. Time is not propagated like light waves; it appears immediately everywhere.
Nikolai KozyrevFuture medicine will be the medicine of frequencies...
Albert EinsteinA few months ago I was called by an old friend that I hadn’t been in contact with for years. He told me about a new device that was capable of generating specific frequencies to support your health, wellbeing and overal balance. As an acupuncturist I had been treating thousands of people for years and I was very curious this little device called the Healy could enhance my acupuncture skills. So I bought a Healy Gold with the free of choice program pain / psyche and started to experiment. Being sceptic in the beginning, I was very surprised about the positive effects I saw in the pain treatments of my patients.
Overwhelmed by enthusiasm I upgraded my Healy Gold to Healy Resonance within one week. I was told that the Healy Resonance, the most advanced model of the Healy range contains hundreds of programs for different applications. Even more Healy Resonance is capable of doing realtime analysis of specific frequencies that are emitted bij your body through resonance. Even better Healy can react immediately on subtle changes in your body and send specific frequencies that your body needs at that moment.
The next weeks I started doing analysis on my patients and selected the best possible treatment thst was advised by the Healy. I was quite amazed that in more than 90% of the cases my patients responded very positive on the frequency treatment I gave them.
My patient asked me if they could rent or buy a Healy for daily home use, so I decided to become a Healy member and give the multi level marketing approach a try. The rest is history. Within a few weeks I sold many Healy’s to my customers and I was amazed how quick I earned commission on selling Healy’s to other people By now I have earned my total investment and a considerable extra income in my practice. Healy changed my life, my health and my professional work!
Before I joined as a member and partner I investigated what kind of company I dealt with and If his company could garantee a longtime professional relationship in business. I discovered that Healy has a professional and experienced ownership, an incredible range of state of the art devices, programs and applications, a very stimulating commission and compensation plan, a stable overall business structure and a fast growth. The technology the company uses is based on more than 10 years experience with the Timewaver, the highly acclaimed quantum technology that has been used worldwide in thousands of hospitals and medical practices.
Both Timewaver and Healy were invented and developed by Marcus Schmieke, who is the CEO and owner of Healy. The first Timewaver system as a precursor of Healy was developed along with the Russian physicist Nicolai Kozyrev, inventor of the Kozyrev-mirror and Burkhard Heim, the discoverer of the 12 energy dimensions between mind and matter.
Besides the Timewaver and Healy, Marcus Schmieke developed other medical systems for measuring heart rate variability and measuring and influencing the subtle energies of the information fields that surround all living things.
He wrote more than 20 books about Vedic subjects, quantum physics and information field technology. His latest books The Second Path: My Life in the Information Field and Follow The Inner Path: Our agenda Towards Enlightment are bestsellers.
Further on he is the founder of the Institute for Applied Consciousness Research in Berlin, where the interaction of mind and matter is explored. For several years he was a visiting professor at the Dev Sanskriti University in Haridwar in India.
Currently Marcus lives in his home in Kränzlin Castle near Berlin, where als the Timewaver and Healy company areestablished.
Healy consists of a range of wearable devices that can run different frequency programs to support your health, wellbeing, balance, fitness and beauty. Healy Gold is the basic model offering the Gold cycle, a range of programs based on more than 130.000 frequencies discovered by Nuno Nina. Together with Marcus Schmieke, Nuno Nina stood at the base of the development of Healy. He has years of experience treating thousands of clients worldwide and owns 7 medical clinics in Portugal. Healy Gold comes with a program free of choice.
Next Healy model in line is Healy Holistic Health. The same as Healy Gold but having more programs standard on board. Heal Holistic Health Plus offers all the programs currently available for frequency therapy with healy.
Top of the line is the state of the art Healy Resonance which covers the total program package and is capable of making frequency analysis by measuring resonance. Healy Resonance can emit frequency vibrations in realtime back to the body, making this Healy version the most versatile and professional device within the Healy range.
Every Healy can run different kinds of frequency programs that come with a certain Healy version or can be bought seperately. Each model of Healy can always be upgraded to the Healy next in line.
Programs that are currently available are:
Recently these programs were extended by a new range of digital nutrition mixtures and substances and specific apps to be used with the new Healy Watch.
Furtheron more specific programs will be developed in the future.
Healy frequency programs run in between 20 to 65 minutes depending on the target type of application.
Frequency specific microcurrent can be administered to the body using wrist electrodes, earclip electrodes or patches.
The great thing about Healy is that it is wearable so you can use it anytime and anywhere wherever you want.
Some of the published studies we found on frequency therapy with Healy:
Healy is a medical device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain, and migraine as well as for the adjuvant therapy of mental illness such as depression, anxiety, and associated sleep disorders. All other applications of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.
You can make money with the Healy World opportunity by selling the product for the retail cost to customers and also by recruiting a team of affiliate members.
The bigger your team grows, the more money you will earn.
The Healy World opportunity runs off of a point system which will determine the amount of money that you can get paid by the aspects of what the compensation plan structure offers.
When a new member or customer initially purchases one of the Healy devices from you, points will be earned that will be credited to you.
These points are how you earn money with the Healy opportunity.
The first way that you can earn points is by selling the product device.
Here is a breakdown of the points you will earn when you sell the Healy device:
There are a couple of differences between customers and an actual affiliate member that can take full advantage of the Healy compensation plan.
As a full affiliate member, everyone that joins you is automatically labeled as a customer member when they first get started.
In order for a customer to become an affiliate member, the customer has to decide to start recruiting customers to the program as well.
Once a customer recruits a customer, you as a customer will then become a member and will also be placed on your recruiter’s binary leg.
**Customer points are also only counted towards the unilevel payout structure.
One of the most vital ways to make more money with your Healy World business is to qualify for a higher rank.
Ranks are broken down on your qualifications that you reach within how the compensation plan is structured.
You will be able to increase your rank by recruiting more members, earn more total team volume points, and sponsor members that qualify for a higher rank.
When you qualify for a higher rank, it will open you up to additional bonuses and commissions.
Here is a breakdown of each rank that Healy World offers and the qualifications you need to reach them:
The qualifying ranked members that you must qualify with for the ranks need to reach that rank within the same cycle.
The fast start commissions that you can earn with Healy World are not just commissions.
If you join at the “Healy Gold” package and level and able to recruit 3 new members in 30 days, you will automatically be upgraded to the “Healy Holistic Health” level.
As a regular Healy Gold member, you will receive 20% commissions from the unilevel compensation plan.
As an upgrade Healy Holistic Health member, you will earn 22% of the unilevel compensation plan.
If you are able to recruit 3 more on top of the original 3 and 6, you will be upgraded again to the next level with an additional percentage that you can earn from the unilevel compensation plan.
When customers recruit customers, you will earn 10% of the customer points that were earned.
You can turn those exchange those points for additional programs that Healy offers.
The unilevel compensation plan pays weekly.
Customers and Members earn from the unilevel pay plan.
Commissions are paid on the sale amount of customer and member product and program sales that Healy offers.
Depending on the device level that you are at will depend on how much of a percentage that you can earn from these sales.
For those that are not familiar with how the unilevel compensation plan works, here is a quick breakdown:
That is basically how the unilevel compensation plan works.
Here is a breakdown of the percentage that you can earn depending on your product level:
Healy World’s main way that they pay the bulk of the commissions is through using the MLM binary compensation plan structure.
For those that are unfamiliar with how the binary compensation plan structure works, here is a quick breakdown:
The binary payout will be 15% of all sales that are made on the weaker leg and paid out weekly.
The payout seems to be on a 1:1 ratio, so if there is 100 on one leg and 1000 on the other leg, you will get paid on the 100.
After the commissions are paid, 100 from both legs will be taken out and any leftover volume will be carried over to the next week.
The Matching Bonus are commissions that you can earn from your team using the unilevel compensation plan structure.
These commissions are paid out weekly and are based on your teams binary earning each week.
The rank that you qualify for in the Healy World compensation plan will determine how many levels of your unilevel pay plan that you can get paid on as well as the percentage of what those team members earn from their binary earnings each week.
Here is a breakdown of how much of a matching bonus you can earn from your team members binary earning:
The Mobility Bonus that Healy World offers pays monthly.
This is a type of residual income that the company pays you when you qualify.
Qualification for this bonus is based on your qualified rank in the company.
You can start earning these commissions when you reach the rank of Manager.
Here is a breakdown of what you will earn when you reach the rank of Manager and higher:
The Mobility Bonus will start paying you on the second month that you qualify for your rank.
As long as you maintain your rank you will continue to earn.
If you are able to qualify for a higher rank, you must also maintain that rank and the company will start paying you the Mobility Bonus starting on your second month.
Healy World puts together 2 huge events that you can attend, 1 that is a semi-annual event and then the huge yearly event.
The company also offers additional incentives that are announced by the company that includes trips to exotic vacation trips.
The Leadership Bonus is a commissions pool that you can earn from along with every other member that qualifies for this bonus. Healy World will set aside 1% of the company-wide sales volume earned and is distributed to the “Top Leaders” of the company quarterly. The “Top Leaders” that the company specifies is not yet determined at this time.
That is all there is to how the compensation plan works and how you can make money with the Healy World opportunity.
The cost to join the Healy World to earn from the opportunity that the company offers will be the cost of the device.
Healy World offers a few different options which are:
To become commissions qualified you simply have to start referring others that make a purchase.